TWSR - The 10 reasons why you might be having sugar cravings. Reasons one to four.
Reason number one. Are you eating too late?
I get it, sometimes it's really hard to eat before 7 o'clock. Life is busy. But we really need to be giving our digestive system an opportunity to clean and heal through the course of the night and our insulin levels to reset. By eating late in the evening your insulin levels will be high when you go to bed this means you won't be releasing the right hormones to ensure you go into a deep restorative sleep. So by eating later in the evening you will be impacting your food choices the following day. We have all been there after a poor nights sleep prowling the kitchen to try and find something that is sweet and makes us feel better. Try eating earlier in the evening and see how it improves your sleep and your cravings the next day!
Reason number two. You are eating the wrong breakfast.
First thing in the morning your stomach is full of hydrochloric acid and this acid is designed to break down protein, it's not designed to break down carbohydrates. If you are eating cereal or toast first thing in the morning this is going to release sugars into your bloodstream very quickly which will spike your insulin levels and then they will crash resulting in you feeling hungry by 10:30. Try switching your breakfast to a protein-based breakfast and see how much fuller you will stay during the course of the morning because your insulin levels will be balanced.
Reason number three. You're not eating enough protein.
Protein does not cause an insulin spike. it releases energy into your bloodstream much more slowly. Protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer and it will lead to steadyier blood glucose levels. Try adding more protein to your meal including things like white meat, fish, beans, pulses seeds & nuts and some dairy.
Reason number four. You are eating too many low calorie foods.
Low calorie foods by their very nature have had the fat removed. Good quality fat helps us to stay fuller for longer because it doesn't have a relationship with insulin. By eating low calorie bars to try and stay within your calorie restricted limit you will be eating lots of chemical forms of sugar. Sweeteners may not have any calories in them but they will still cause an insulin spike they will still cause an insulin crash and you will still be hungry within two hours eating them. So overall you end up either eating more or feel miserable because you're in a place of constant restriction.
Try implementing some of these suggestions this week see how much better you can feel living alone sugar lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to be difficult when your blood sugars are balance you naturally don't crave sugar.These are just four reasons why you might be craving sugar next week I'll share the next three in the 10 reasons in the next blog.