The Weekly Sugar Rush - The Hidden Trigger of IBS

"I really struggle with IBS," a client told me recently. "By the end of the day, my clothes feel tight, and I look six months pregnant. I've tried cutting out gluten and wheat, but nothing helps."

"Have you tried cutting out sugar?" I asked.

"I don’t eat much sugar—just the occasional biscuit or chocolate bar. I usually drink Coke Zero if I get a craving."

And there it was—the root of her IBS.

IBS is inflammation of the intestinal tract. That inflammation worsens as the day goes on. Triggers vary—gluten, stress—but sugar and artificial sweeteners are major culprits. These substances are inflammatory, and while a small amount isn’t an issue, consuming them daily builds chronic inflammation. Over time, this can lead to not just IBS but joint pain, poor sleep, and even autoimmune conditions.

IBS is your body’s way of asking for help. Listen to it.

Here are five ways to reduce IBS symptoms—commit to them for at least 21 days to see real change:

  1. Space out meals – Give your gut at least four hours between meals to reduce inflammation. Grazing means constant digestion, leaving no time for healing.

  2. Avoid late-night eating – Eating late keeps digestion active when your body should be in deep, restorative sleep. Try to eat by 7 p.m.

  3. Stay hydrated – Your intestines need water to function. Coffee and diet drinks don’t count! Aim for at least 2 litres of water daily.

  4. Cut sugar and sweeteners – Both fuel inflammation. If your gut is already irritated, this will only make things worse.

  5. Eat something green with every meal – Greens contain prebiotic fibre that nourishes gut bacteria, improving digestion and easing IBS symptoms.

You can try cutting out gluten, but if you're still grazing, eating late, and not drinking water, IBS will continue to flare. 

How about trying my next 7 day Sugar Circuit Break starting on Monday 7th April?  7 days to avoid sugar and sweeteners and see how much better you can feel.  

Want to know more?  Just click HERE for all the details.  It is just £37 to join and you could notice a real difference to your IBS by the end of the 7 days!


The Weekly Sugar Rush - Why Reducing Sugar is So Important for Weight Loss


The Weekly Sugar Rush - Are You Stuck in a Sugar Fog?